Friday, March 15, 2013

Be Prepared

With five kids and a full time job and training for Ironman Couer D'Alene, getting any lead time for prep is sometimes a problem.  In fact David's wife Nicki is writing this post while David (who is usually very organized) finishes packing and preparing for his trip.

What trip? Well since this is a new blog (welcome) I'll introduce David: He is a an ultrarunner and triathlete who lives in the Northwest.  He has five kiddos ages 7-17 and he works as an administrator in a medium sized city police department.  Over the next week and a half he will travel south to do five marathons in five days in five different states.  Its called the dust bowl series ( Yes he is a Marathon Maniac ( 

Back to the trip preparations: Food is one of the biggest challenges since David avoids gluten and dairy and spending any more money than he absolutely has to.  We didn't get the rice and quinoa cooked and cooled like we had planned so now he hopes do do that in Utah tomorrow when he stops at his parents house to go for a run with his brother.  And some laundry, appearently our almost 16 year old son wore several of his pairs of jeans and left them in a heap on the his bathroom floor leaving David with no clean pants to take.  This could be partly my fault but since I am training for Ironman and work full time as well, all capable persons in this house need to do their own laundry.

Looks like he has his clothes (including the dirty pants), sleeping bag, pillow, towels, giant container of earplugs (for sleeping), race nutrition, snacks, 4 pairs of running shoes, massage tools, water bottles, books..... and a bunch more stuff ready to load up.

His plan is to do these races at a slow easy pace keeping his heart rate below 130.  I am concerned he will hurt himself and mess up his Ironman training but  he will probably be fine.  I think.

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